A Holiday Treat

This time of year, I love baking my favorite treats and watching holiday movies. They are usually about a person who doubts their ability to achieve impossible dreams. Almost every time, they end up having an extraordinary life-changing experience that sets them on a journey of self-discovery and shows them that the wonder of life never fades for those who believe in their dreams.  


With the Winter Solstice upon us and the darkest days of the year, it is sometimes easy to lose belief in one's ability to achieve an impossible goal. 


Recipe to believing in your dreams ( A Holiday Treat)  


Ingredients ( 9 items): Begin by assembling your ingredients. Quantities may vary. 


1 cup failure

1/2 cup disbelief

6 oz hard knocks

2 cups living in the past

10 oz panic 

1 cup shallow breathing

2 oz rush of adrenaline

1 oz fight (or flight, if you have it on hand)

3 whole scattered thoughts 


Mix your failure, disbelief, and hard knocks together in a large bowl and set aside. In a small bowl, mix the remaining ingredients until they don't feel good, and then gently fold them into the large bowl of ingredients. Put in a 10 x 10 baking sheet and place in a preheated 400-degree ruminating thought loop. 


When bubbling, remove doubts from heat. Feel your emotions, and identify them. Focus and believe in yourself when it seems no one else does. Add 1 cup of unconditional love and 12 oz of making peace with the past. Season with faith in your timing and abilities, to taste. 


Know that life always provides a way for you to be your best self. Exercise your talents and seize the opportunities that are here. 


Plate your dish, garnish with gratitude, and share with others and enjoy.




Lessons Learned While Parenting