Embracing Change

Embracing Change 


As adults, sometimes we see change through growth as optional. However, as our children grow, change is inevitable. How we choose to handle change impacts how we show up in every aspect of our lives. Embracing change can help you accomplish your impossible goal, move more quickly through self-limiting behavior, and help stay on track throughout unpredictable times. 


The way we choose to view change is critical. Any change, expected or unexpected, is often accompanied by discomfort, an unsure or nervous feeling, or anxiety. These feelings are indications of a problem in need of solving and a lesson in need of learning. 


Consider changing your relationship with change. Be resilient and declutter thought chatter as you heal. Or, develop a Plan B and even a Plan C if necessary to help you feel assured that the change is manageable. Spend time identifying how the change benefits you, and what you can learn from it. 


Leaning into the discomfort associated with change reminds us that by doing so, we are choosing to move forward rather than remaining stuck in the past and regretting other outcomes that did not come to fruition. I would like to offer that although we may not be able to change our past, we can change our thoughts about what we make our past mean. Change is inevitable in life, so let's embrace it and move through it with grace.



