From the Heart

Yesterday I was productive for the first half of the day and then I spent the rest of it slowing down the chatter in my brain. I slowly unraveled my thoughts, faced some fears, and quietly sat alone.  

When my children were young I seldom had the time for this sort of reflection (or so I thought).  During this busy holiday season, give yourself the gift of yourself, slow down, and gain the wisdom that awaits you.  

Listen with your heart

It has important information

Coded directions

to your destiny 

The heart is truthful and effortless. 

Clear in its purpose

Knows how to do more than survive 

The heart believes

Knows how to  

daydream your destiny

The heart is strong 

So live your imagined life. 

The heart is brave

So go after what you want. 

The heart is bold 

So use your voice

From simple wisdom within you

The heart understands

From silence in the wind

The heart speaks

From a knowingness deep within

The heart knows the brain is at best a useful tool.


Lessons Learned While Parenting


Have Fun