Self Care

Self Care

I had a fantastic time this weekend. I went on a cycling trip with friends I hadn't seen in a couple of years. It was so good to do what I love with people from all walks of life. After a quiet picnic lunch at a beautiful gazebo in a park, we rode the return trip into the city, climbing the hills we had enjoyed descending earlier in the day and enjoying the satisfaction of crossing the George Washington Bridge back home.  


Originally, I planned to go on two rides this weekend. I was surprised when, on the night before the second ride, I felt conflicted and started looking for reasons to stay home. Why was I feeling the need to sit out from one of my favorite activities? I have never felt stronger and knew that a quick physical recovery was not the problem. The familiar feeling of being out of alignment with myself is how I know I need to care for myself in another way. I realized that what I needed was quiet time alone. 


In Stillness  

( twenty to thirty minutes daily)


Identify the noise of the world, then let it go

Judgment-free notice your thoughts, beliefs, and wants as mere windows into your thinking, then let them go


 In stillness

Connect to your love source

Nature, a place, something/someone you love, or sing HU a love song


In quiet contemplation, listen and watch, and see what comes up for you


Then simply go about your day

Loving all that you are

Being the best you can

Doing the best you can





A Manual


Know Your Why