



In a few short years, I went from being single and training with a dance company to being a wife, a step-parent, and a mother to three. During this time, I discovered that by loving myself and my family unconditionally, I opened my heart and realized my life's purpose. This journey was paved with questions, the courage to answer them, and the intent of discovering what I already knew. What makes me come alive? What would I do even if nobody paid me to do it? What would I do if I knew I could not fail?

It was important for me to know that I am valuable because of who I am - not because of what I achieve or what I do for others. My lovability is absolute. This allowed me to relax, knowing that I am infinitely lovable because I am me. As I grew in knowing this, I could more fully open my heart to giving and receiving love.

When dealing with overwhelming housework and chores, it's easy to work from a place of duty. By working from a place of love, I was able to identify the barriers that I placed between myself and love. I could now not only give and receive love more fully, but I also transitioned into seeing love in everything I did and knowing that I was doing what I wanted to do.

Life does not magically become a bowl of cherries. There are obstacles to face. However, when meeting them, I choose to see these obstacles as life happening for me rather than to me. I see them as gifts that help me dismantle the barriers I placed in my life. These gifts have helped me develop patience, discretion, and detachment. Even if it was years later, I have never been left not seeing the greater good.

In the end, I learned not to be afraid to ask myself hard questions and that it is better to ask myself questions with the purpose of discovering what I already know:

I have plenty

I am good at what I do.

I am wanted

I am connecting my strengths to my truth.

I am working from an authentic place, no matter where I am or what I do.

I make the best choice for me now.

I am the best version of myself.

I am not a mistake

When you recognize that your purpose is who you are being, you can start doing it now. If you want more purpose in your life, there is no need to look for it. Be it.

If you enjoyed this blog and are interested in taking this work to the next level, I encourage you to go to reach out to me for a free coaching session at eugenianascimento.clc@gmail.com. Where we can take this work to another level.

