When we talk about taking total responsibility for our actions, it can feel like a big concept for some. Still, if you understand the Law of Cause and Effect, you know that your thoughts are causing your results.
Sometimes having the steps laid out to achieve a result is not enough, and we may need help following through and evolving toward our goals. Regardless of your current circumstances, you can bring awareness into your thinking by utilizing Causal Coaching. What you choose to do with this awareness is up to you. Total responsibility is the price of total freedom.
Casual Coaching reveals how your current results are evidence of your thinking. With this in mind, throughout the coaching process, I help you uncover the thoughts getting in the way of achieving your goals, believing in yourself, and making progress.
Be it good or bad. Your results teach you something,
This moment is yesterday's effect and tomorrow's cause.
Small day-to-day, seemingly unimportant decisions map the course of our lives.
Results happen over time, not overnight.
To work hard, stay consistent, and be patient.
More critical than the result is the process.
Old habits can not bring new results.
Every choice you make has a result.
It does not matter if your habits are good or bad. They will consistently deliver results.
Do the work to get the results you want.
A cause often produces more than one effect.