E. Nascimento

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Trust and Love

Trust and Love

Love is the glue that holds the world together and, in the highest sense, it is a gift that we open our hearts to and give to others. Trust, however, is somewhat different. Trust is more like a loan. Depending on the nature of the relationship, trust takes varying times to develop and requires that we not give it blindly. Giving our trust too quickly or irresponsibly can forever change our lives and leave us distrusting ourselves. 

Love in action is true, kind, and necessary. Love is unconditional in all respects. Therefore, you may choose to love someone who has proven untrustworthy. You can choose to love up close or from a distance. You may decide never to speak to the person and still love them in your heart. However, with trust, there is a liability involved.

In stillness, go deep within listen with your heart to do the best you know how to do. Love without expecting its return, and let love be what it will. Trust in the process and make a love-filled and conscious decision as to whether you want to loan access to the intricate vulnerable parts of who you are.

Trust is

earned when actions meet words

never a lie


my decision 

never given blindly

ready to risk what you currently have

within the art of silence


guides you further

uses darkness as a candle

appears along the way

True, kind, and necessary

Love Always
