An Adventure


An Adventure

Parenting (including co-parenting, step-parenting, single parenting, foster-parenting, grandparenting…) requires us to develop and draw on our sense of humor and our creativity. We can find solutions that may never have occurred to us before, which brings fun and adventure into life. By being anchored in love, going one step beyond yourself, and working with your resources, you become tempered to the art of life, which opens us to finding our rhythm and connecting with our best selves. 

“A lion that hunts for survival in the jungle does not envy the one being fed in a zoo.”


Take care of yourself 

Earn your own way 

Keep growing

Keep learning

Know that Things Change

Give with love and goodwill 

Accept help with grace

Repay your debts

Know Love brings all things

Through Where’s One Coaching, I teach you why the strength we have as parents is in how we love, how we accept, and how we show up. Want to gain insight into your parenting skills? I’d love to work with you.   Click here to learn more.

-Eugenia Nascimento


In Plain Sight


In the Pocket