In the Pocket

In the Pocket

In the Pocket

This week, I watched my grandson play his favorite game. It involves some running, jumping off the couch, and sticking his landing. His parents refer to it as Parkour, in reference to a (significantly more extreme) internet trend of several years ago.  

He is only two and has been practicing and mastering his technique for over half of his life.  He loves to test his physical and mental abilities. He has even taken to breaking down his process in slow motion using his mother's camera in her phone.  He approaches his game with an inner rhythm, a knowing grin, and never-tiring excitement and curiosity.    

As he plans each jump,he does not worry that what he wants to achieve is beyond his current abilities. He innately understands the process of dreaming and thinks about his goal in the present moment. 

Whatever fear he may feel as he approaches his leap will not deter him from his belief in himself and his ability to stick his landing. Not trying is not an option. Every attempt is made from a place of confidence and knowing that he has already met his goal.  He has seen it. The perfect landing is inevitable, creating a sweet spot that makes it all worth it. 

The joy I see on his face when he is racing, jumping, and shouting “Parkour!” is priceless and inspirational. As a mother and grandmother, I feel gratitude that my daughter and son-in-law are an example of what is possible and have created an environment where my grandson feels safe pushing new boundaries, exploring, and challenging himself. 

As a coach, I am reminded that each of us is striving continually to manifest more life; we are all already enough and seeking to carry out our purpose.  In each of us is the seed of all that is ever to take place in our life. It is up to us to choose which seeds we water.

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