E. Nascimento

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I have had an amazing summer, much of it spent with family and watching my three-year-old grandson zoom around on his balance bike. Whenever he would begin to lose his balance and fall, he would simply put his foot down. It was wonderful to watch his ever-increasing confidence and control in learning the new skill of riding his new bike.

During times of growth, it is easy to feel as though we have lost our balance. In these moments, we may forget that we can have many emotions going on at the same time. We tell ourselves that if  "A" is true, then it is not possible for "B" also to be correct.  

In reality, the miracle is that two things can exist at the same time.  We are human beings living in a world of duality. 

It is essential for us to honor all of who we are: the parts that we find attractive, but also the parts that we want to pretend do not exist.  Being present means accepting things as they are in the moment and opening our hearts to what truly is.

As humans, we can be complex and simple, complicated and straightforward, consistent, yet often contradictory.  The gift of being human is choosing who we want to be and where to place our attention.  If we are willing to open our hearts, we can learn from all of it.

Circumstances are neutral until you decide what you want to think about them. Thought drives our feelings, feelings, and actions drive our results.  We serve ourselves when we are willing to question old beliefs that do not hold up to this present moment.