
This weekend I had the privilege of being with old friends, sharing tears, challenges, laughter, jokes, stories, and fun. As I reflect and hold the moment in gratitude, I also rediscover and reconnect to the great things within the little things that open my heart.




Gratitude quietly turns what we have into more than enough. 

Know what you seek is seeking you. 

Appreciate what you have while you pursue your goals. 


The sunrise is a blessing for the whole day. 

Hear blessings dropping love’s gifts around you. 

The world gives more than I can ever give it.  


Everything teaches us something, 

Be grateful for those who most deserve gratitude.

Question things you take for granted. 


Do quickly what your heart directs

create harmony with what you think

what you say, and what you do.


What is love? 


It is also the fix for pride. 


Gratitude feeds life. 

Contemplate, relax, 

“Be” in the moment.  

Listen to find barriers within

You once placed between you and love. 

The quieter you become, the more you can hear. 


Thank you for making a difference in my life. 


Love to you and those you love. 



Love is Always the Best Option

