Love is Always the Best Option

Love is Always the Best Option

When I feel like I am in new territory, inexperienced, or unsure how to proceed,

I open and align my heart to the highest love I know and use my resources to the fullest. I have learned to trust that the results will be the best I can do.  

To some, this may seem like an indirect or confusing way to get from point A to point B. However, I see it as a path tailored to me in all my uniqueness—a process designed from love, therefore, of love with the best possible outcome. 

The Conscious Heart




Communicates cleaner clearer

Holds space for my

character weaknesses 

Works with and recognizes the same in others

Is present

Hidden seeds of truth reveille the

next step

and the

steps that follow

Gives love 

and receives it

Chooses to love

those who will return a love 

Is a direct experience

Lives forever


Know Your Why

