E. Nascimento

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In Plain Sight

In Plain Sight

Transformation is changing from one way of thinking to another.  This poem is about a young woman’s journey, searching for her voice and who she wanted to be. She wrote this letter to herself. She wrote this letter from her future self to herself now. 

Your future self is you five minutes from now, tomorrow, five years from now, ten years from now, thirty years from now.  

Imagine your future self as someone who knows more, is more experienced, has more wisdom, and has practiced more.

I invite your future self to write a letter to yourself now. What would you say? Take your time. Think about how you treat yourself, how you talk to yourself, and how you think about yourself. Your relationship with yourself is the most important in your life. 


In Plain Sight


I was taught to be strong

Grin and bear it, move it along

Now pull it together

 Be present in silence

Drink Water,  Be Strong, and  Drive On        

Shake it off, let it go

Don’t indulge in fears. You’ve got to be strong 

Silently Shoulder    

The good and the bad. No help to be had

Matters not what it all means      

She’s avoiding what she dreams

She carefully safeguards

Grounded into the past                                                      

Indifferent,  it all seems the same

She’s  beautiful as she tries 

I see her behind her brown eyes  

A  search starting deep inside                      

She loves hard, honest and true

Not a victim, she’d rather be wise  

We paused. I asked her how?   

 Did she heal? She nodded as if to bow  

Then she looked into my eyes  

She told me, I opened my heart

Detached and  apart      

Reconnected and aligned       

I begin to slowly lean in 

I held space for my  tears      

Whenever I got choked by my fear 

I shift and felt love near   

I look for my opening   

I choose to go    

True to my heart and imagination

A  connection where I am just me     

Open space, Where I can be  me 

Eternally I am free

Not afraid or hiding

limitless ways to be me                         

For fear has to take flight  

Love enters my heart as a bright light   

redefined my reasons for living

Open heart giving

Not a victim of living

Grateful for life and forgiving

I know love is the answer, always been and will always be

embracing life, I started living

If you enjoyed this blog and are interested in taking this work to the next level, I encourage you to reach out to me for a free coaching session at eugenianascimento.clc@gmail.com, where we can take this work to another level.