E. Nascimento

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This week I was thinking about hunches and how I developed the ability to follow them. In a word, it was my Mom, Roselee M. Kye, who taught me to trust my inner knowingness. She showed me this, as she did most things, by example, through her adventurous spirit, and with just the right amount of indirect instruction. So thank you, Mom, for your love, trust, inspiration, and holding space for me to learn to follow my hunches.


a knowingness 

an inner feeling 

more important than knowledge

unexplainable by fact or thought 


not linear or logical

connects to a logical structure

pieces of a dream

unmanifested thought

a guiding hand of love 

a sacred gift 

eternal dreamer

an awareness of what doesn't feel quite right 

a guidance tool

a hunch

not to be questioned 

Just feel

a wordless voice

Just listen