E. Nascimento

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Know Your Why

As life's situations intensify and today's news becomes louder, I have noticed unexamined past thoughts coming to the surface. Thoughts that I had put away for another day are resurfacing to be examined. To me, this is a sign that I am beginning to feel overwhelmed and need to rediscover my "why," 

As humans, we need not only to identify our deepest desires but also to be confident that we can achieve them. With both, we can overcome obstacles that are before us. We all need to connect, love, be loved, and be ourselves. We all want to make an impact and a contribution. But it can be overwhelming to navigate all of these needs at once.  

It is easy to think that we must place ourselves on the back burner to serve and care for others. However, service that comes from a place of fear or chaos is neither helpful nor sustainable. 

We get to decide who we are and how we will show up, and your "why" is your superpower; it is yours alone. No one else's "why" is more important, better, or worse than yours. What matters is that it comes from the deepest part of your being. It is less important that you know how to achieve or fulfill your "why" and, more importantly, that you plant your feet firmly on the path you are on now and begin from wherever you are. Spend time dreaming, contemplating, and nurturing your "why." Every day, do one thing that will bring you closer to it.  

If you feel overwhelmed, create a moment of stillness for yourself to rest your mind and listen. Like the trees outside my window, trust in that which roots you to the ground. Love is the firmest anchor. Be the caretaker of your life and reconnect to your "Why."