E. Nascimento

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Patient Perfectionism

Patient Perfectionism

Children learn to walk by practicing, and in doing so, they make many mistakes. They understand what doesn't work. They fall. They hit their head, and they cry. We hold them until they feel safe enough to try again and fail again, and one day, they master it.

Too often for adults, the pain of failure may be intolerable. We set high expectations for ourselves, and meeting these expectations often feels like the only acceptable option. However, changing our definition of success and enjoying the process rather than focusing only on the result makes room for a different perspective, one that enables us to feel the perfection of our imperfections. 

High achievers often manifest as perfectionists at work, in relationships, or in our expectations for ourselves or our children. We may think we want to do everything "right" in an attempt to control the outcome or be unwilling to try things that we do not expect we will do perfectly. However, perfectionism is not about achievement. It is about fear. Perfectionism excuses us from taking action and limits us to expectations that we think we can meet and control. 

There are options beyond impatient failure and immediate guaranteed success. Instead of requiring yourself to show up perfectly, make a deal with yourself to show up as your best self. Be willing to double or triple your failure rate, thus choosing progress over perfection.

You're going to fail sometimes, but you're also going to have your own back. All successful people know how it feels to fail. Choose to be grateful for the opportunity to learn and see this as a reason to love yourself more rather than less.

Being patient with your perfectionism and embracing life as it unfolds before you is a choice that is always available to you. This journey is how we grow as people and gain insight as parents. 

Patient Perfectionism

Have your own back  

See the Beauty within imperfection

Be patient with your impatience                                                  

Know what's yours to control 

Make your mistakes

Forgive your worst

Deserve your Best

Release the past, 

Keep Now

Embrace the Pace of Change  

Lean into what you Think you lack

Then fix it along the way

Choose, Love, and do you

You've Got This